Sunday, 29 September 2013

My short movie so far

i got most of the script is done but it short and sweet  like it In portent word to say and where how long to take

It about 2 brother and a bad guy called Mr x

The brother Tom and Tim they live with they parents but u want see them to the long movie

OK the main part is that  Mr x has got Tom in his den tide up then he ring Tom up and do his voice and get him on the run and he use his army Mr x army to destroy him so he run away and ............................................................

That what it like so far .

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Short movie tip 1 for planing

Number 1 at all time plan

Plan what u going to say that easy but rest plan for place everything shot and everything

LIKE brake up your script

And many more watch this video to help

Watch "Top 5 Tips for Planning Your Shoot Days : Q and Erik" on YouTube

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

Saturday, 28 September 2013

book shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail

my info about it 
THIS is my TV show advert M SIWEL S SHOW MY websit blog HOPE you like it   thank you, thank you lord, thank you, thank you songs FOR all people seen it
 click here for book


Friday, 27 September 2013

my shout movie

this is my script about the movie i am making

SCREEN 1 meets Tom Heaton Narrator/ Hi this is a story about Tom, Tom Heaton he is tall, cute, handsome boy and he did not tell me to say it. We join Tom when he about to turn 10 years old. He fancies a girls called Amber he fancy her mostly his child hood. He went to king woods with this first preschool and secondary school he went to France twice and Spain and many more place. Ok let start a year ago when tom was living with his mum and dad. It his B-day he did not know it is going to turn a bad day. So in shout and snappy. on and June 2006 he got up and he went down stair and saw all the present and he was so happy then he went in to the kitchen and saw his mum and dad in the kitchen cooking his big day breakfast and he had on his plate egg, sausages, tomatoes & beans so he had a full English. After he had his breakfast he went in to the sitting room to open his presence. He got a tablet and a new phone, money £50, clothes and many more. After a while he went to shopping with his money and he brought him a RC. Truck. Then at PM they when for lunch at a 5 start restaurant DMShock. He had prawn and cocktail for starter, stake and chips and for pudding he had chocolate cake. He must of have 2 pint for bear and load of j20 that is best. The bill came to £75 so they got a taxi back. when they got home tom ran up stair he was so upset because his mum and dad was mad at each other's because they must have sent £375 on him now they in bad money so that y tom ran upstairs after a while it quite so tom went down stair and saw his mum and dad lie on the floor they has passed away so he got his stuff and his power RC. Truck and track it to his dog old kennel and went out on the steer and so more bad stuff happen to him.............. SCEEN 2 in Spain So Tom is now in London Street he knows himself to get out of London. So he went out his flat and put his R.C truck on the floor put wheels on his old dog kennel. Next he ties the rope from his R.C truck to the old dog kennel. So he set off in the night with his R.C truck pulling his old dog kennel for shelter. He thinks to take the underground, but he only got £40 so he walks and walking for mile after mile lucky for him his R.C Truck got a solar panel wheels dynamo on one of the wheels on the R.C truck keep its charge up. After walking for mile and mile he getting tide he must walked for 12 mile. With his R.C truck he work out his he sit in the old dog kennel and make the radio control truck pull him they manage to get to the out skirt of London and he need do rest to he saw some wood and sleep in the kennel and went fast to sleep. Ben: what have we gone here? Sam: I don't know a stranger in or den Ben; and u no what we do to stranger we take them to the boss Mr X Sam; yep this thing got wheel just push it Ben: ok (5 minutes litter we see tom tie up) (Tom wake up) Tom; what happen to me where I am. Ben: you in our den and you don't want to know what we do with them. Tom; sorry my mum and dad has die and I got nowhere to go. Sam: what your name? Tom; Tom, Tom Heaton Sam: shout up now because the boss is coming and you don't want to make him mad at all (Mr X came he was wearing a mask) Mr X; who is this? Sam; tom Heaton we found him in our den sleep Mr X; what a sleep in my den ok tom gives us your money now Tom: ok I only got £40 Mr X; any more money? Tom: yes at my mum and dad house I ran away because When I came down stair they have killed each other Mr X; have u got the key and the address Tom: yes in the old dog kennel but the police might be there. Mr X: we will get it where will there money is? Tom: in the chair they a hole in the back Mr X; thank tom. PUT HIM IN THE CAGE NOW Sam; what cage Mr X; one with the dog in Tom; what Mr X: Does it now put a lead on him to. Ben: you joking Mr X; do I look joking do it now or you can join him Ben and Sam: ok Sam: come on tom now move Ben; in there now Mr X; lock it now Ben: ok Mr X; Guy here we move now SCENE 3 trap Narrator: the bad guy gone to rub his house and Tom his in a small, cramp and a dark dog cage. He can hear someone talking it was the rest of the chrilden 19 in total, 10 men with guns and 5 angry dogs. A bright light come on he can see the kids he is so scared. Then tea came it was a piece of old bread and a cup of water that each. Lucky they are aloud to talk to each other so they did. Amber: Me, Liam, Jaydea, Micheal, Aiden, Nattily and Charlotte wbeingll came here because we got kicked out because our dad has passed away and mum has lost the house so we ran away. William: I came here because my mum and dad past way in a car crash Alexander: O.M.G that bad I for me was bad me and my brother Matt came here because we store fireworks in my old shed and left the heater on. In the middle of the night the fireworks blow up the shed. No one was hurt but we distorted £4'000 of stuff in the shed so me and my older brother mat ran away. Daniel oh I heard that on the news thaweres bad. I was bad out the lot. It felt like this is well what happened we all lost our parents when we was young. We were in a care home called The Boxson Home add them was it was cold lock in our room and barely no food no drink so we all ran away Me , Lilly Sofia: and I Zoe : and Grace : and I Hannah : and I Amelia: and I Lillian: and I Samantha: and I Tom. O.M.g I am shock I fort I was bad but not. Narrator. They talk for hours and hours they didn't know no that a place car turn up when the police man tim and fred when they see them they was shocked THE Police turn up because sometimes the police turn up because the someone in tom flat heard the noise in The turn up because sometimes the police turn up because the someone in tom flat heard the noise in the tom flat The police turn up because sometimes the police turn up because the someone in tom flat heard the noise in the police turn up because sometimes the police turn up because the someone in tom flat heard the noise in the tom flat so they call the police and when they got to the flat his mum and dad was lying on the floor and the bad guy was in the flat so they got locked up. The police asks them where tom he said where Tom was so the police went to the place saw them. Police man 2: (talk down radio) they are here tom and another 19 chrilden and 10 men with guns and 5 angry bad dogs. Radio: ok we send back up and maim bus get i ring the council and get the care house for them to go to. Children home boss: hi how can I help you Police man 2: I need a care home for 20 children Children home boss: we can't fit them in Police man 2: why we need them in the same one because one of the people what we lock up said they bind there for 5 years so keep them together now children home boss: ok I found one it was the old care children The Boxson home it was close the Police lock them up for locking in there room and not feeding them and they all ran away police man 2: I can rember that I was there Childrenome boss: it bind tock over by mason and it now called The Mason Home and it the company who ruining it is DMShoclockedey DMShoclockedey set up load for theirestaurant and music party police man 2: oh yes I was one off the guard from the open day where the train drop the food off children home boss: oh cool they have set up a care home now police man 2: ok we send them there get working they be there in 2 hours ok I because the council are slow 4 hours that it at 7pm on the dot and tell them they need big tea they that thin children home boss: ok police man 2: I done it they going to The Mason Home at 7pm all going there they got 20 bed room in house one because they one school can fit 84 student and I have 64. 5 house in one place and they are house near by DMShock own the whole village it open 2 week ago so they all ready have. police man 1: ok police man 3: hi back up here show me police man 2: there police man 1: 20 children 10 man with guns and 5 dogs police man 3: ok (talk in to radio) get a round her they are 20 children in old dog cage 10 men with guns and 5 dogs. police man 3: every on know police man 1: ok let go police man 3: ok (talk in to radio) go go go police man 1: put the guns down and hands up now and dogs back u are all move in men and hand cuff them now take them a away police man 2; hi who are u tom: tom and these are my friends get us out of here police man 1: ok police man 2: that better you are all out tom: thank how did u find us some off us bind here for 6 year police man 1: one minutes you tom tom Heaton u save them tom: I did how police man 2: we went to your house tom: I did not kill them they was mad at each other and did it I was us stair crying under the cover police man 1: I no it was not you police man 2: but we was in the house when Ben, Sam , and Mr x broke in your house we lock them up then they told us where you was and we found you. tom: ok where are we going police man 1: you going to The Boxson home Hannah: no what no me and 8 people bind there it was bad police man 2: you the missing people lucky for you they new owner and it new name called The Mason Home it run by DMShock and it 5 building tom: OK come on guy let go police man 1: cool come we need to fill the paper work in and I be in a 7pm police man 2: OK and tea be ready and you go to school next week with other care home kids not just you norther 64 care home kids you mostly same age so mostly of u be in same class tom: cool Amber: thank to save us Tom: Ok how come on let go Screen 4 care home


my info about it THIS is my TV show advert M SIWEL S SHOW MY websit blog HOPE you like it   thank you, thank you lord, thank you, thank you songs FOR all people seen it
Lulu.comclick here for book

HI MY NAME IS SAM MASON AND THIS IS MY TOP 10 RECIPES OF MY OWN RECIPES AND FAMILY RECIPES. IT FOR IF YOU LAVE ON YOUR OWN, STUDENT FOR YOU COOK GOOD MEALS, FOR DATE WE GOT GOOD ONE IT IS Starter asparagus tart Main Grilled ostrich steak with duchess potatoes and steamed vegetable with red currant sauce  Dessert FRESH meringue with Lincolnshire cream fresh fruit with raspberry Sauce. ""THEY ARE ALL MY OWN RECIPES".  If you see this :-)  next to title it from my step mum family recipes. STAKE MEAL, fruit loaf :-), hedgehog cake :-), chocolate cake, bread, muffin, apple pie, my own sauces for chicken, tuna pasta bake, student meal


Saturday, 21 September 2013

i am going to telling about close TV program to my Hart

Hi i am telling about a TV program which is close to my heart and if you like it leave a comment or send me a E-mail using subject I like Kizzy and if i get a load I might make a documentary for YouTube.
OK lets start the program is called Kizzy

It did started from a book called The Diddakoi by Rumer Godden's if you want to buy a copy for  Amazon kindle £2.90
for audio £9.46
hard copy is £22
website is
  "Kizzy is the name given to the 1976 BBC adaptation of Rumer Godden's novel The Diddako It starred Vanessa Furst as Kizzy.  Reason why it close to my Heart because it was film in Helpringham where i live now  It is the story of an orphan traveller girl called Kizzy, who faces persecution, grief and loss in a hostile, close-knit village community. This is a moving tale of human fallibility and sorrow, but also of strength, courage and redemption" from Wikipedia
If u want to watch It on YouTube channel name called rehannah mian


Friday, 20 September 2013


THIS is my TV show advert ltv show MY website is HOPE you like it ADD me on Facebook LTV SHOW thank you, thank you lord, thank you estelle, thank you songs FOR all people seen


Sunday, 15 September 2013


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Friday, 13 September 2013

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"diy" diy [diy] -diy. 
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