Saturday, 21 September 2013

i am going to telling about close TV program to my Hart

Hi i am telling about a TV program which is close to my heart and if you like it leave a comment or send me a E-mail using subject I like Kizzy and if i get a load I might make a documentary for YouTube.
OK lets start the program is called Kizzy

It did started from a book called The Diddakoi by Rumer Godden's if you want to buy a copy for  Amazon kindle £2.90
for audio £9.46
hard copy is £22
website is
  "Kizzy is the name given to the 1976 BBC adaptation of Rumer Godden's novel The Diddako It starred Vanessa Furst as Kizzy.  Reason why it close to my Heart because it was film in Helpringham where i live now  It is the story of an orphan traveller girl called Kizzy, who faces persecution, grief and loss in a hostile, close-knit village community. This is a moving tale of human fallibility and sorrow, but also of strength, courage and redemption" from Wikipedia
If u want to watch It on YouTube channel name called rehannah mian


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