Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Computer report By Sam Lewis Mason

When I was younger like when I was one year old computer was big and heavily so my report is going be about computer what you said but when I start using in 2000 to now that when I fort it change the most people always say talk about what you say that what I am doing.

In year 2001 they was a war in the computer this was year of operating system it was mac vs. window. Mac cane out in first one then window cane back with XP and the betel still go on to day. On the mac side it fast compact and must function because the first tablet come out. On the bad side to expensive twice of much then window.

now we talking  about window it more lower price you can get desktop for £30 and I know you saying it cheap it rubbish will shush! I know it cheapest but you can update it easier for ram price is £20 for 2 GB and hard driver £60 for 1TB or more and I more easily to update. One bad thing I can think was 8.0 or 8.1 was one of the bad one ever.

2001 begging broad band revolving most everyone was one it say it was say it slow but it was new keep in touch using phone line plug in make strange  nose and slow.in the next year it got faster from 0.5 MBPS so slow if tried doing any task it would be slow than ever.

lackey in the year 2002 I was 7 year old Internet got faster only 4 time faster 2MBPS it close for my speed where I live uploading video is hard. And just in 2002 was slow but computing is changing faster and smaller. They are now fast. Talking more about the Internet is in 5 more years so like 2006 when I was 11 year old the Internet in some pace got faster like 60% faster and 2m connector

To the web and that when the website change all the website came out. I put them her because it not in order but it the change of the Internet.

My space 2003 was ok it was the first social network I was not on it but it change the world. You change now tell people more about what you doing.

Facebook 2004 was next it was one came change first thing it over power my space every one still think was that a good idea Facebook was born. because if you think when I was younger and people who 20 and over was outside playing on bike, building den and just getting fresh air now people are getting home and on the computer. So it was changing people.

Google earth 2005 now this is when geography was getting instead you not using maps and glob you are using 3s world you can even driver on 3d maps. Maps now what is fun to do I even have a race with mate using google maps and earth that what change driver on road without crashing flying now.

Then YouTube it was a big change and still is changing Ok in last 5 year I mean from 5 year ago it was hobby now it a full paying job now it can make you a small fortune. And after 3 year it had 1 billion view days.

now let get back to the computer in 2007 Laptop speed change 35x faster and Hard disk storage 60x faster so this was the year of the computer getting small computer laptop came out and they getting fast

One of the best window came out window 7 it what everyone no computer this was the changing point it change it now to quick and faster.

now it out you can do better computer and gaming like mineraft sorry I got to talk about it was and still is the best game you can still is you it changing and you can put your own mods on it so own program on the game.

Now I am moving forward 3 year to 2011 this is when WIFI getting faster. Fiber optics sating to appear and 4g so even faster Internet on the move. and now what was coming out tablet not one you eat tablet computer they are smaller and faster now I got one and it a quad core tablet it the best but because it android you still need a computer. You can download apps and games put computer are still the best so far.

In the future I think computer will be faster still and smaller and watch to like I watches and jacket and many more. So that what I think a about computer from when I was 5 0 18 year

Saturday, 22 February 2014

My amazon list to update my video softhware

Hello. Please take a look at this list: https://www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wishlist/6EF2G5W56O6S/ref=cm_sw_r_an_wl_ARqctb0KMDRA8

Thursday, 20 February 2014

My list to up date my video recording software

Hello. Please take a look at this list: https://www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wishlist/133ECTTYAT91N/ref=cm_sw_r_an_wl_knSbtb0NK7TKW

Saturday, 15 February 2014

minecraft doctor who



i have up load new vids doctor who minecraft part 1 reason . reason y part 1 it so b ig so far it 5 part but mite be nore

Thursday, 13 February 2014



if you want the best games come to m.s.s.com

Put your standard content in here


New Page

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


this is my minecraft advert for YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuCXt8qUlSbQVvE9Isa28ug so have a look and subscribe 

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Minecraft update

this is my Facebook page for my New YouTube video from 22nd android version. they will be that whence I start M.s.s show minecraff survival islands and the rest be on after  minecraft 9.0 come out I hope it come soon

M.s.s show minecraff survival islands

Mss show minecraff floating ilands

Mss show minecraff Monday surivel

Saturday, 1 February 2014


this is my Facebook page for my New
YouTube video from 22nd android
Mss show minecraff Monday surivel.
M.s.s show. minecraff surivel ilands
Mss show minecraff
floating ilands

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

part 1 4m movie sneak peak

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel"review tech" review tech"diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5"tech news" tech new"loads more"  loads moreE-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Friday, 24 January 2014

thank i am making a movie in my own time and youtube channel can you help me by teling your stunt about my youtube channel  can you give me a shout out about my new one and maybe share the video please m8

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Update episodes


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

this id the letter i sent to the boss of bbc and load more but no reply

Dear. Sir/Madam
, My name is Sam Mason; I am a student at Boston College. I have had an idea for what I think will be an enjoyable and successful The programme would be a mixture of entertainment, celebrity, Interviews, going to places, future and about teenagers because Teenagers are mostly on the news about crime or sport so I want to Show people and the world that teenagers are brilliant. One the unique Aspects of the show could be made from consumer tech. It could be a One man show and prove that teenagers and people with dyslexia and Dyspraxia who would change the world for teenagers and compute to the making it all my idea so it is unique. I have loads of ideas to the Making of the programme so less work for you and in front of and Behind for the camera.
The name is Sam Mason Sam Mason TV show it a one man TV show it mixture of entertainment, celebrity, inverter, going to place. Look at poster and list of idea for more info please. I got load of idea less work for u from second episode is a one man TV show and on the letter I sent is a demo to thanks. I want every to no it the smash TV show to the first episode and then half way I show my face and say it the Sam Mason Sam Mason TV show.
The program would be my The program would be mixture of entertainment celebrity interviews going places to place, future, set up your own company. It's about mostly get on the news crime or sports I want prove teenage are brilliant till the next big thing. One of the unique aspects of the show could be made from consumer tech. It could be a one man show. Prove that teenagers aren't good and brilliant and show people with Dyslexia who is changing the world for teenagers and all the ideas is on memory stick not copy my ideas unique. I have loads of ideas for making the program. So in front and behind the camera. So like smash TV show. Like it shear it leave a comment and check it out http://msiwelsshow.blogspot.co.uk this is the TV show website
it had 3000 page views.
I have enclosed a demo for the TV show and the advert for your Consideration. I hope you enjoy it like I have enjoyed making it. I believe so believe it binds my life and teenagers are the future. I have enough ideas for a 13 episode series to run on Saturday nights and I Are the presenter, camera man and producer from the second episode? The Money comes from the ticket so it would be live and a large event like Manchester a Tickets cost per person £45. The name is SAM MASON SAM SAM MASON TV SHOW. Please contact me at l.tv.show.13@gmail.com or by letter. I have enjoyed it I know it could be the best show and I believing it. I look forward to your reply I know you will like it. I want to be TV presenter of it it my idea I am waiting for a reply can u find out for me please thanks bye

sries 2 epsiode 1

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel"review tech" review tech"diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5"tech news" tech new"loads more"  loads moreE-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com