Tuesday, 31 December 2013

1 to go

1 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Monday, 30 December 2013

2 to go

2 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Sunday, 29 December 2013

3 to go

3 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Saturday, 28 December 2013

4 to go

4 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Friday, 27 December 2013

5 to go

5 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Thursday, 26 December 2013

6 to go

6 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

7 to go

merry christmas 7 day to go for my first YouTube video season 2 and did you get anything to Christmas if you did level it in the comment

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Saturday, 7 December 2013

hi I'm really happy

Hi I am really glad because I got my new keyboard and android  dongle tv. The keyboard is  very easy to type on you will   know more after the video. The android dongle tv is easy to use quick coming here and all my apps I want I can get like catch up so if you want an android computer in your bedroom or kids room to get one. In January the first review of it.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

MY REVIEW RECORDING my 10 review in 16 weeks because i just ordered them



Samsung ST150F Smart Camera 2.0 with Built-In Wi-Fi Connectivity - White (16.2MP, 5x Zoom, F2.5 Bright Lens) 3.0... 


Roku 2 XS 1080p Streaming Player



·         Lutall Car Keys Micro camera, 2 in 1(Video recording and Photographs), Support TF Card, Image format: 720*480




·         USB & PS2 Air Touch Silent Silicone QWERTY Flexible Roll-Up Keyboard. Water , Dust & Spill Resistant. (Black)  




·         Quality USB Optical Scroll Wheel Mouse O/P 800/1600DPI  




·         MP02 Mini Full HD Media Player Android 4.0 1.2GHz 1GB DDR3 4GB Flash HDMI Dongle



Mighty Boom Ball Black Battery Booster -





ESUNG Sports Camera Handlebar Seatpost rack Mount Compatible Gopro hd hero 2 3



Esung Handheld Extendable Monopod Tripod Mount Adapter For Gopro Hero 1 2 3 Camera BK - Esung




 2Pcs Flat Surface Adhesive Mounts for Gopro Hero 1 2 3 Sport Camera





Sports J-Hook Buckle Vertical Surface Mount Adapter For GoPro SupTig HD Hero 2 3 Chest Strap Belt


Jason Jones fist video

This is my new video for m siwel show and the voice is buy my new sound guy Jason Jones

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

hi this is my first post out of 10

Ok my first review u will see on 1st jeanery 2014 is MP02 Mini Full HD Media Player Android 4.0 1.2GHz 1GB DDR3 4GB Flash HDMI Dongle for £30 or us is $51 amazon say

Featuring ARM Cortex A9 1.2GHz CPU, 1GB DDR3, 4GB Flash, and Android 4.0 ICS operation system, the Allcam MP02 mini media player can play almost any media file you throw at it.  The Allcam MP02 media player is designed with your convenience in mind: it is very small similar to a USB flash drive, and it plugs directly into your TV, no messy cables. It has very low power consumption: 2.5W or 500mAh which is the standard output of a USB port. Since most HD TVs have a USB port as well as HDMI ports, you can extract power from that USB port! If your TV don't have a USB port, there is a power supply in the box.

I have not got it yet it should be on Saturday the 8th December. But my new camera is coming at Christmas so that why it coming on New Year day. They will be a review of the Samsung st150f.

The MP02 Mini Full HD Media Player Android 4.0 1.2GHz 1GB DDR3 4GB Flash HDMI Dongle is vs. the Roku xs what I has bind using for a year it not bad it got to catch up BBC iPlayer and demand 5 BUT ONE BIG BUT IT HAS NOT GOT YOUTUBE THAT A PROBLAM I WILL TELL U MORE ON THE REVIREW


M SIWEL S SHOW YouTube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com


Monday, 2 December 2013

my review what i am getting on amazon

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Sunday, 1 December 2013

These are the iteam i am going to do the review on in the next 15 weeks

Hello. Please take a look at this list: https://www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wishlist/347XCIUPSFQH8/ref=cm_sw_r_an_wl_dx4Msb102CDXD

You see a gopro mont on it I am going to show how to get a action camera for 10th of the price so £10 from £200 so %95 of and can connected to any gopro mounts

review tech diy show movie trailers top 5 tech new

more contact info

hi i bind helping sam mason with his youtube channel 
nd this the like page on facebook

facebook like page
have a look please it for the YouTube video 
and for all the new YouTube video i am the sound man 

hi these are the YouTube video  a

M SIWEL S SHOW youtube channel "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

my top music video and video

top song

my top music video 

.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

my advert for my radio show and YouTube video

my advert for my radio show and YouTube video http://in.fm/v/MdoGnV 

L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Friday, 22 November 2013

new radio stain my mate Jason Jones making radiojj99

Hi my name is Jason Jones I need your help my radio station best rang of banging tunes & new artist from big to new and live chat with them in front of you my studio audience with cheapest price between £7 to £10. if you know any band email Jason Jones on radiojj99@gmail.com or send message on Facebook at radiojj99 or on twitter @radiojj99 and new competition to come to the the live show and call and text are free because i am using spare mobile and check out the website 
m siwel s sho is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy. "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more" loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Tom Heaton Movie Lunch Need You Help

    Hi sir/ madam                 Hi it Tom Heaton I am talking to university college and school  and I need your help please from you and the school I am making a movie called Tom Heaton The Movie to get it up and running I need over 500 like on Facebook and I no most people on Facebook so can u ask them to like it and to ask they family and friends and other to like it so help me to get the ball rolling. If you help me your whole universities and college because students get 25% of ticket  usually for £6.50 you and your students get for £5 OK chair the website it is https://www.facebook.com/tomheatonmovie 
HI I AM MAKING A MOVIE BUT I NEED PLEDGE TO START UP THE MOVIE SO CAN YOU HELP THIS IS MY MOVIE I WILL SELL THE MOVIE IN THE CHIMERA AND THE PROFIT GOES TOWARD MY COMPANY FOR FOR MORE MOVIE AND IF BACK GET TICKET the cast is 13 to 18 so i am only going to one school your school so can u ask your student to Pledge to help them get a job tell people to like the page to please 
https://www.facebook.com/tomheatonmovie?skip_nax_wizard=true like this page
http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tom-heaton-the-movie/x/5350503 so if your student Pledge they get a ticket for the premier my movie script Tom Heaton movie 
SCREEN 2 meets TomHeaton Narrator/ Hi this is a storyabout Tom, Tom Heaton he is tall,cute, handsome boy and he did nottell me to say it. We join Tom whenhe about to turn 10 years old. Hefancies a girls called Amber he fancyher mostly his child hood. He went toking woods with this first preschooland secondary school he went toFrance twice and Spain and manymore place. Ok let start a year agowhen tom was living with his mumand dad. It his B-day he did notknow it is going to turn a bad day. Soin shout and snappy. on and June2006 he got up and he went downstair and saw all the present and hewas so happy then he went in to thekitchen and saw his mum and dad inthe kitchen cooking his big daybreakfast and he had on his plateegg, sausages, tomatoes & beans sohe had a full English. After he had hisbreakfast he went in to the sittingroom to open his presence. He got atablet and a new phone, money £50,clothes and many more. After a whilehe went to shopping with his moneyand he brought him a RC. Truck.Then at PM they when for lunch at a5 start restaurant DMShock. He hadprawn and cocktail for starter, stakeand chips and for pudding he hadchocolate cake. He must of have 2pint for bear and load of j20 that isbest. The bill came to £75 so theygot a taxi back. when they got hometom ran up stair he was so upsetbecause his mum and dad was madat each other's because they musthave sent £375 on him now they inbad money so that y tom ran upstairsafter a while it quite so tom wentdown stair and saw his mum and dadlie on the floor they has passed awayso he got his stuff and his power RC.Truck and track it to his dog oldkennel and went out on the steer andso more bad stuff happen tohim..............https://www.facebook.com/events/599192366783132/
L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com


This is a good deal for you if u want a new tablet and phone on contract i mite get it for b day and that what i am going to run it buy. because i am just using my phone and college computer and camera. this is a good deal for phone and tablets on contract £20 per month 1000 minutes 5000 text all u can eat internet. so that good because the tablets and phone worth £236

L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com


I'm bringing an e-reader magazine out on
Jilster.com. I bring a 4 page demo out and if
Lucky a full on for families and friends call
#SMSSMmagazine I know you will like it
It got celebrity clothes farm life pets country
Side event and load more if on TWITTER follow
Me it @smssmtv and check out on them it got
Magazine shop in July or soon book and load
More if something for everyone so have a look
And leave comments thanking and buy

L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com


tease my idea for company
restarnt DMMS-shock
tv show
Garage and café
hotel abord
pub hotel
rent house
Small Luxury Boutique hotel
Take Away
music contert

L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com

bestt hotel by m8 in Manchester

Hilton Manchester Deansgate
303 Deansgate Manchester , GB
Hilton Manchester Deansgate is a landmark hotel with spectacular views over the city. This magnificent, state-of-the-art Hotel provides the perfect base in
this most vibrant of cities. Situated within the lower 23 floors of the iconic, 47
storey Beetham Tower, the hotel provides impressive modern facilities. The
prime city
Hilton Manchester Deansgate is a landmark hotel with spectacular
views over the city. This magnificent, state-of-the-art Hotel provides the perfect base in this most vibrant of cities. Situated within the
lower 23 floors of the iconic, 47 storey Beetham Tower, the hotel
provides impressive modern facilities. The prime city centre location
offers easy access to Manchester's commercial, shopping and
entertainment areas. Offering some of the most spectacular views
over Manchester, the famous Cloud 23 bar offers the very latest in
bar chic. The Podium restaurant, bar and lounge area on the ground
floor offers fresh local cuisine and all day dining. Enjoy an energetic
swim in the 20m indoor pool with underwater viewin

L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com


Dominic Merlo Worked at dmshock Studied at Boston College, Lincolnshire same as me sam maso Worked at dmshock Studied at Boston College, Lincolnshire i met Dominic Merlo at the priory school but we start coming friends at college. I want to run a company and i no he dose so i ask him he said yes. When the new design come on t-shirt that all he's work. most the idea like paintball that him to. when we go to event he going to fly quardcopter around and take photo for magazine and video for tv show. we going to run tv show online mite be bbc or itv because i sent a letter to them ask can we have a tv show. still waiting for the tv show going to be called smssm tv show. okay more info i let u know okay.

L.tv shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail l.tv.show.13@gmail.com