Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Dominic Merlo Worked at dmshock Studied at Boston College, Lincolnshire same as me sam maso Worked at dmshock Studied at Boston College, Lincolnshire i met Dominic Merlo at the priory school but we start coming friends at college. I want to run a company and i no he dose so i ask him he said yes. When the new design come on t-shirt that all he's work. most the idea like paintball that him to. when we go to event he going to fly quardcopter around and take photo for magazine and video for tv show. we going to run tv show online mite be bbc or itv because i sent a letter to them ask can we have a tv show. still waiting for the tv show going to be called smssm tv show. okay more info i let u know okay. shows is a new YouTube show "review tech" review tech "diy" diy [diy] -diy.  "show movie trailers" "top 5" top 5 [top 5] -top 5 "tech news" tech new "loads more"  loads more E-mail

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